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Actions for Migrating Perspectives in European Media Back

Actions for Migrating Perspectives in European Media

17 Mar 2023

©Vivian Mule en Ariel Sosa

May 12 2023, 19:00h
Pakhis de Zwijger, Amsterdam

Mainstream media’s reporting on migration does not do justice to the lived reality of migrants in Europe. Migrant communities and individuals across Europe, therefore, have started their own media-initiatives, reclaiming their rights to self-representation -rather than being sidelined as subjects of the public debate. In the past year, the project Re:Framing migrants in European media has brought together a group of mediamakers with a migrant background. Together they have developed tools and new forms of media that challenge inequalities in the media sphere.

During this final event, a broader group of (inter)national journalists, mediamakers and media-activists come together for the launch of the project’s magazine “SHIFT! Actions for Migrating Perspectives”. Join our community assembly, share experiences and initiatives in interactive breakout sessions, dance in a TikTok challenge, take part in ‘the anti-racist meme battle’ and learn from the hands-on experiences of the first decolonised newsroom.


The magazine was made in three weeks in Amsterdam, in a pop-up editorial event ‘Decolonised newsroom’ organised by Here to Support and Unbias the News, which enabled the content team to work in person. The editorial team consisted of members of communities in Europe, reflecting on their own approaches. It builds upon the network of Decolonising the Newsroom, a community event coordinated by ZEMOS98 and Conciencia Afro in Madrid in July 2022, and the research by Eticas.

The magazine is financially supported by Stiching Democratie en Media, European Cultural Foundation and the European Commission and will be distributed for free at the event on May 12.


The Re:framing Migrants in the European Media project wants to help change current media narratives about migrant and refugee communities across Europe. No longer should they be subjects of narratives, but the owners.

Website by HOAX Amsterdam