Helping Libraries Help Europeans: European Library Associations Release Manifesto for European Parliament Elections 2024
26 Apr 2024
Leading European library associations and organisations have released a manifesto calling on candidates for the European Parliament elections to ensure libraries realise their potential to build a stronger, fairer, more sustainable Europe.
Jointly produced by the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA), the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), the Association of European Research Libraries (LIBER), Public Libraries 2030 (PL2030) and National Authorities on Public Libraries in Europe (NAPLE Forum), the document is built around the key ways in which libraries contribute:
- As guarantors of equitable access to culture and education
- As vital supports for vibrant democracies
- As powerhouses for inclusive innovation
- As guardians of Europe’s memory
- As drivers of global development
The manifesto sets out concrete actions that future Members of the European Parliament – as well as the other EU institutions – can take in their areas of competence to realise libraries’ potential. We are calling on candidates and parties to commit to delivering on these recommendations.
If they do so, we believe that Europe can realise the potential of its strong and far-reaching library infrastructure, from the smallest school and village libraries to major national and even international institutions.
We look forward to working with libraries and library allies to disseminate this manifesto and help make a reality of stronger libraries for a sustainable future for Europe.
“Libraries are spaces where democracy is cared for and cultivated, where citizens thrive and share, and where community is transformed. Incoming MEPs should be aware and take action to take up the significant opportunity for public libraries to be present in policy and funding discussions spanning various EU policies.” – Ilona Kish, PL2030 Director
“I’m proud our five library associations have come together and collaborated on such a strong message for the new EU parliament! Our manifesto does not mince words about the vital role of libraries and all the solutions they’re already providing for current challenges in Europe.” – Mikkel Christoffersen, EBLIDA Director
“Europe’s libraries have so many strengths, and with the right support and conditions, their work will unlock progress across a wide range of policy agendas. The European Union can also have a huge positive impact around the world through its cooperation programmes and engagement in international fora. We look forward to working with our European partners and successful candidates to make this happen!” – Sharon Memis, IFLA Secretary General
“As LIBER, we speak up for our network of research libraries and the communities they represent and serve. We stress their importance in playing a vital role as engaged and trusted hubs for our user communities, building bridges to society, strengthening citizen science and helping academic institutions to play a societal role in the making and exchange of diverse, inclusive and sustainable access to scholarship and research communication. LIBER is eager to add its voice to other concerned organisations, urging the EC to support libraries in their efforts toward a sustainable future.” – Martine Pronk, LIBER Executive Director
Original article on the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)’s website