Culture of Solidarity Fund: Just Transition Interrgional Matchmaking Events
2 Feb 2024
As part of the currently open Culture of Solidarity Fund Just Transition Interregional Edition, the European Cultural Foundation and its partners from Northwest Italy offered two online sessions addressing the role of culture in Just Transition. The second event took place on 26th January, and the nearly 50 participants looked at key aspects of why and how the artistic and cultural sector plays a pivotal role in promoting integrated environmental sustainability.
Just Transition is, in fact, more and more becoming a vision-led, unifying and place-based set of principles, processes, and practices of European Union strategies, urging all relevant stakeholders from civic or public organisations – especially from the creative field – to make a collective effort in the same direction: making Europe a greener and environmentally conscious place for all. Participants gained insights from policy analysis and practical experiences from relevant European institutions, EU network representatives and creative practitioners. In addition, they received hands-on advice on the application process and were introduced to the digital community platform where connections and suitable project partnerships could be explored. The online sessions were developed and co-hosted by our partner, Itinerari Paralleli.
Did you miss the online sessions, but are you still interested in applying for the call? Sign up for the dedicated community board and browse over 150 Italian and European organisations seeking partners.
The Culture of Solidarity Fund Just Transition Interregional Edition submission deadline is Thursday, 29th February 2024.