Community Conversation: Climate Crisis and the Arts
23 Dec 2021
Thursday April 21
16h – 17.30h CET
hosted in zoom
European Cultural Foundation, ACES/ARTES and New Europeans invite you to a series of online Community Conversations in the run to Europe Day. Together with peers and partners we discuss important topics for the future of our continent. In four sessions of one and a half hour each we discuss, exchange, collect and connect. Please, mark the following dates in your agendas: January 27, February 17, March 17 and April 21. The Community Conversations take place in zoom, and last from 16h to 17.30h CET.
Climate Crisis and the Arts
People claim our dealings with the Corona pandemic are mere exercises for how we might be dealing with the climate crisis. If the last months have learned us anything it is we need imagination to deal with crises. Can arts help us find ways to open up our collective imagination and face the climate crisis?
Speakers are invited and will be announced soon.