Tristan Garcia
22 Jan 2021

Born in 1981 in Toulouse, Tristan Garcia entered in 2000 the École Normale Supérieure. After working with Alain Badiou, he was awarded his PhD for a thesis on the subject of « representation » in human arts, which he had written under the supervision of Sandra Laugier. On the same year, he published his first novel, awarded by the Flore Prize : La Meilleure part des hommes (Hate : a romance, translated by Lorin Stein, Faber & Faber, 2011).
Working as a teacher at the University of Amiens, he continued his career as a novelist (Mémoires de la jungle, 2010 ; En l’absence de classement final, 2011 ; Les Cordelettes de Browser, 2012 ; Faber. Le destructeur, 2013 ; 7, 2015) and he conducted further researches in metaphysics, leading to the publishing of Forme et Objet. Un traité des choses (Form and Object. A treatise on things, translated by Jon Cogburn and Mark A. Ohm, Edinburgh University Press, 2014). He wrote critical essays about animal suffering (Nous, animaux et humains, 2011), political subjectivity (Nous, 2016) or TV series (Six Feet Under. Nos vies sans destin, 2012).
Since 2015, he’s an associate professor of philosophy at the University of Lyon-3. In December 2020, his book, Nous, was translated and published by the Edinburgh University Press under the title We Ourselves: The Politics of Us. This work is a rigorous engagement with the history of humanity’s attempts at being collectively.