Social Community Theatre Centre – CareStories. Walks to nurture care
11 Jan 2021
By talking to others about our territory (home country), its beauty and our personal memories of it, we can encourage the sense of belonging to a local region but also reinforce the feeling that all these pieces of local areas are composing what we call Europe.
Participants, helped by translation and visual materials, will discover territories of different nations through the voices and stories of local inhabitants. In the project they will work on the same topic – isolation and fear of social relations – so local participants discover that their feelings of loneliness are connected to those of other people located in far away countries. By sharing their stories thanks to Social Community Metholodology, participants will contribute to an European storytelling of landscapes and marginal territories, highlighting not only European capitals but also remembering that Europe is composed by thousands of villages, valleys, rivers and human stories connected to them.
See their website for more info.
This project is funded in collaboration with Fondazione CRT.