Philanthropy with a European purpose
5 May 2020
For a forthcoming publication in collaboration with Allianz Kulturstiftung our board member Rien van Gendt spoke with Michael Alberg-Seberich, of think tank Wider Sense, on philanthropy with a European purpose.
Van Gendt touches on how many Europeans, including us, “a European foundation with a European mission”, were taking Europe for granted only ten years ago. On how “geographical, cultural and mental boundaries” challenged that notion. And on a way forward: “I think that we Europeans, also we as European foundations, should be aware of our assets, of our culture: the freedom of speech, the freedom of thought, the power of diversity, the fruits of the enlightenment. We should cherish our culture and the aligned comparative advantages. In addition to this, I feel strongly that Europe is more than coal and steel and one currency. It’s actually culture that can unite us, it’s our common past, our common heritage, which we can turn into our advantage.”