Culture Lab Europe
17 Jun 2020
All across Europe, citizens (including those who are not formally recognised as such) are creating new online and offline spaces where working together and generating solidarity is what matters.
In these spaces culture functions as a language to describe reality, to express feelings and opinions. Culture works to strengthen social ties and helps to imagine alternative ways of living and engaging with others. Connecting these spaces provides an infrastructure for a cultural movement that can show how a fundamental crisis can be managed much better through cooperation and solidarity. Together with our partners ZEMOS98, Krytyka Polityczna and Rijeka 2020 we have set up Culture Lab Europe as a live platform to strengthen this movement.
Fifty cultural activists and change makers will explore ways to collaborate on initiatives to strengthen European Public Space. Originally scheduled as a real time meeting in Rijeka in April, the program took an online form. In the week from 22 to 28 June, several live events will take place online. Culture Lab Europe provides a safe and inspirational working environment based on principles of free and open culture.
On the dedicated blog of the collaborative site you can find almost daily updates on the process, read participants’ profiles and check the complete public programme.
Watch the key note speech and Q&A: “Solidarity: A New Culture of Rebellion” by our former PMA laureate Krysztof Czyzewski on our Youtube channel and the key note speech and Q&A: “Why we need a new European media” by former Guardian ‘This is Europe’ editor Natalie Nougayrede here.