Grüne Liga Osterzgebirge – Preserving Biodiversity
28 Oct 2021
Radical changes in (agricultural) land use are among the main causes of biodiversity loss in Europe – at an increasingly rapid pace. Climate change has begun to play a destructive role, too, as the past drought years have clearly demonstrated. It is now obvious that traditional conservation strategies need to be put to the test and new ideas need to be developed.
Although many people are willing to volunteer at nature conservation events, the challenges to organise permanent activities of environmental NGOs often overstretch their capacities. Never has the urgency for collaboration between stakeholders been greater than today! Grüne Liga Osterzgebirge – and project partners Comenius University, Department of Environmental Ecology, ARNIKA and SEVER – will organise two excursions with workshop character in similar areas in Slovakia (Pol’ana, Biele Karpaty), Czech Republic (Bílé Karpaty, České středohoří, Východní Krušnohoří) and the German part of Ost-Erzgebirge in 2022. In doing so, the dialogue for conservation strategies in Central-Eastern European mountain regions will be revived.