Associazione Culturale Suoni e Colori – Talking futur
11 Jan 2021
We used to joke that Kappa FuturFestival unites young people from all over Europe more than Ryanair does, but the challenge is to keep this community alive with content that is relevant to these difficult times. Normally Kappa Futur festival gathers seventy thousand dancers from more than hundred countries for wo days.
Music may be a relief, a cure and an escape, but words are necessary as well to process this period. Hence, we envisioned a webseries where artists from the electronic music industry discuss a topic with prominent figures of the cultural, scientific community and the civil society. Our visual-musical trip will analyse the present time by looking at its opposites: music vs silence, crowd vs isolation, freedom vs lockdown. The target audience is composed of European young adults passionate about underground electronic music.
See their website for more info.
Funded in collaboration with Fondazione CRT.