The Digital Witchcraft Institute – Digital Witchcraft: transcultural cybernetic futures
25 Sep 2020
According to the Digital Witchcraft Institute we live in a crucial time in which automated tech (artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithms) has to be adopted by communities instead of corporations which will replicate the discriminatory biases of the “offline” world.
Through a targeted collaborative action with artists and activists from around Europe the Digital Witchcraft Institute will promote the understanding that technologies need to be emancipatory. The institute believes that a revision of diverse European cosmologies (which are not ascribed to geopolitical borders) will connect participants and audiences to their personal stories and will make them realize that our heritage plays a role in the technological realm. They will organize a series of virtual workshops in which the different realities and geographical areas of Europe are represented, and produce a catalogue with their prototypes and research which will be disseminated strategically through open channels.
Interview coming soon.