Tek Bunkeri – MOCI – Mobile Open Culture & Innovation Hub
25 Sep 2020
Challenged by increasing emigration, brain drain and ceasing funding resources, communities, active citizens and their remaining cultural professionals in the Balkans rarely have access to innovative skills, opportunities to network or platforms to share experiences.
Perisphere – culture now°here portraits and connects creatives and activists and their local communities in non-urban blind spots in Albania, Kosovo and Montenegro that are put under pressure by the current crisis. Tek Bunkeri will design a digital platform for peers of the region from different professional backgrounds but with a mutual passion and focus on non-urban communities and cultural and social revitalisation of their commons. This platform puts the connected actors of rural change into the spotlight for a broader audience. A accompanying tour to the different participants will function as a mobile culture tour – bringing a mobile cinema and micro-workshops to the countrysides.
Visit the website.
Interview coming soon.