Policy Forum: Initiative for European Public Space
2 Nov 2021

Atelier 29, Brussels
16-18 November 2021
Public conversation:
How can EU policy foster digital European public spaces?
17 November, 17h – 19h
Democracies can only function properly if they are underpinned by a public sphere. But online spaces are controlled by private interests and traditional media is giving us mostly national perspectives. The inhabitants of Europe lack the space to debate a shared interest for Europeans, based on solid facts and a culture of care. We need a media landscape in Europe which re-constitutes the citizen at the centre of public debate. And we need European digital infrastructure that is based on values of collaboration, sharing and safeguarding privacy and freedom of people.
In partnership with NESTA and the SDEPS coalition we host a forum on how Europe can provide alternatives for both the profit-driven big tech companies, as well as for media reporting through national lenses? The debate will involve media, journalists, civil society and policymakers, to debate pathways to a more open, inclusive and democratic European public sphere. The debate is part of the projects MediActivism [link] and Next Generation Internet – Forward.
If you would like to participate in the policy forum online or physically, please register via this link.

Public conversation: How can EU policy foster digital European public spaces?
How can Europe provide alternatives for both the profit-driven big tech companies, as well as for media reporting through national lenses? In a conversation with researchers, media professionals, civil society and policymakers, we explore how EU policy can foster digital European public spaces. The conversation will be based on two case studies – MediActivism and SDEPS – and the outcomes of the round table sessions.
Opening by André Wilkens, European Cultural Foundation
MediActivism – a case for citizen-centric media – by Charlie Tims and Ivana Pejić
Next Generation Internet / Forward – a case for an internet of humans – by Katja Bego
Panel discussion moderated by Juanlu Sánchez (Eldiario.es). With: Nicola Frank (European Broadcasting Union), Ismail Einashe (Journalist, Lost in Media), Latifa Oulkhouir (Le Bondy Blog), Paul Keller (Open Future), Christophe Leclercq (Euractiv)
Response of funders and policy makers who worked on concrete initiatives (Reports, legislative proposals on media), followed by conversation with the panelists and audience. With: Kim van Sparrentak (EP, Greens) Saskia van den Dool (Adessium Foundation) and Mieke van Heesewijk (SIDN Fund)
Concluding remarks
Networking reception
Ahead of the Policy Forum you may want to read the online version of the #mediactivism guide to claiming a right to your city.