Mophradat – A Collective Retreat
25 Sep 2020
Mophradat will bring progressive Arab art groups (antipatriarchal, egalitarian, non-normative, feminist) together with like-minded peers from across cultural fields to develop (intellectual and practical) means of mutual support. The project comprises a series of collective retreats in Athens that act as intersectional fora for exchange, where those with shared concerns can find ways of working that embody greater equality and inclusion – essential conditions for bringing about broader solidarity. During the retreats, participants will work to invent forms and protocols that take advantage of the current rupture in prevailing paradigms to experiment with alternative organizing methods. Although the retreats will primarily focus on Arab art groups (based in Europe for the time of the current pandemic), the program will draw on the specificity of their situation to invent counter-normative strategies that can empower an expanded community.
The retreats will continue Mophradat’s long-term practice of creating new models of gathering, but now at its own recently set up venue in Athens. It will act as a portal to the Arab world rather than an exile: A place to freely think, meet and do, with critical distance, care, and imagination for those who stayed and those who left.
Interview coming soon.