International Documentary Festival Amsterdam 2022: Pathway ‘Life in Europe’
10 Nov 2022
Since 2019 the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) and the European Cultural Foundation present a selection of documentary films that encourages the public debate on Europe, in the pathway Life in Europe.
The history of Europe is made up of many stories told by many people with varying perspectives. These stories are essential for developing sentiments, a sense of belonging, but also for challenging the status quo where it seems insufficient.
You can find all documentaries in the 2022 pathway via this link.
Each year we host a series of Doc Talks, with invited speakers, following the screening of some of the documentaries. These are our 2022 Doc Talks:
Friday November 11: The Hamlet Syndrome with Antonina Stebur of The European Pavilion partner
Saturday November 12: Bella Ciao with Melanie Schiller [RUG]
Friday November 18: Where I am now with Culture of Solidarity Fund grantee Anila Noor of New Women Connectors
See you at IDFA!