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Idea Camp 2015: Meet the 25 #RDgrantees and their ideas Back

Idea Camp 2015: Meet the 25 #RDgrantees and their ideas

30 Nov 2015

Following ECF’s second Idea Camp which took place from 23 to 25 September 2015 in Botkyrka (Sweden), the 50 participants – the Idea Makers – were invited to further develop their ideas on this year’s theme “Build the City” and submit a proposal for a Research and Development (R&D) Grant. “Build the City” is about applying the principles and ethics of the commons to the transformation of the city, its communities and its economy. It is about people creating more sustainable cities through social cooperation and active participation with culture at its heart. Below is a list of the 25 proposals which have each been awarded an R&D grant of up to 10.000 EUR.

To read the individual biographies of each grantee, check the Idea Camp 2015 Booklet presenting the 50 participants to the Idea Camp.

Website by HOAX Amsterdam