FNAS – Arts are a restart area
11 Jan 2021
Mobility today is the engine most questioned by the pandemic crisis. Knowledge, exchange of good practices, sharing of ideas, the creation of partnerships develop above all within that environnement, both formal and informal, that is called networking. We all try to fill this void through digital tools.
As members of the Circostrada network, we organized and shared tons of webinars and meetings, to talk about our activities and continue those dialogues. We have gone even further, working on setting up advanced private areas on the web that can, alongside the events, replicate the dynamism of interactions. This approach has an enormous potential and not just as a substitute in times of crisis.
The project is a first step of transnational collaboration in creating a first interactive European map whose focus takes into consideration different territorial dimensions (national, international), consistencies (small, medium, large) and locations (outdoor, indoor).
See their website for more info.
Funded in collaboration with Fondazione CRT.