Get your free European Cultural Foundation publications
25 May 2023
Due to the positively overwhelming responses to ordering European Cultural Foundation’s publications, we have momentarily paused the option to order the European Cultural Foundation’s publications.
Watch this space as we will reopen the order form on this page.
1. 65 years of The European Cultural Foundation stories of (1954-2019) Europe

In this publication, we navigate the history of the European Cultural Foundation in a variegated and multi-tonal way – looking for hidden and oblique links across time and political moments, finding the unexpected lines of thought that contributed to the full history of our foundation.
2. Common Ground 2022

3. In the third edition of Common Ground you will read about European solidarity, then and now, in and with Ukraine. You will find reflections on Europe’s histories and European futures. In this magazine you will find stories of an imperfect Europe, a Europe in development, a Europe driven by arts and culture in more ways than we often appreciate.
3. Common Ground 2021

With the second edition of our annual magazine Common Ground. We believe it is a way to share common European ground, and celebrate Europe Day. We are more than happy to present you many different contributions on Europe - ranging from views on a how to organise post-covid, photo essays by four acclaimed European photographers, two portfolios on new European Cultural Foundation programmes, fiction by Czech award winning novelist Katerina Tuckova, reflections on Black Lives Matter, reports on Belarus and much much more.
4. Common Ground 2020

Just as our foundation’s five-year strategy, this magazine Common Ground sits awkwardly but intentionally, between a seemingly distant past and a rather uncertain future.
5. Feel, Show, Change: The #mediactivism guide to claiming a right to your city

This is a guide to media activism that affects ‘right to the city issues’ - gentrification, touristification, renoviction and the multiple processes at work in cities across Europe which displace people from the cities in which they live. The first challenge for anyone who wants to affect these fragmented, slow processes – often facilitated by obscure policies, contractual details and property rights – is to turn them into something that can be seen.
6. Sense of Belonging

The Europe Challenge showcases inspirational initiatives that emerged from the Europe Challenge in the format of a booklet titled: Sense of belonging. The booklet and help us to spread the word about the vital role of libraries in our society. In times of multiple challenges, they can help us to navigate a better future for Europe.
7. Policy Analysis & Policy Recommendations

The book Commons. Between Dreams and Reality and Policy Analysis and Recommendations is published within the framework of the Cultural and Creative Spaces and Cities (2018—2021) - a project which is co-funded by the European Commission with the aim of experimenting in grassroots participatory democracy in cultural policies.
8. Forces of Art

A joint research initiative of the Prince Claus Fund, Hivos, and the European Cultural Foundation, Forces of Art is a unique series of investigations into the values that art and culture have for our society.
9. Our City Our Home

Our City, Our Home (2021) is a collection of eleven essays against the forces of displacement in European cities.
10. Displaced in Media: Towards Better Media Representation and Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees in Europe

In spring 2017, over 30 journalists, activists and professionals in the field of media literacy gathered in Amsterdam to co-design a shared methodology that would investigate and expose the flaws of the media landscape and introduce content created by people who are usually excluded from it. The knowledge exchange continued online on the Displaced in Media Lab ( The methodologies designed in Amsterdam were tested and the outcomes were captured in a Recipe Book, which is published in tandem with this magazine.
11. Courageous Citizens

This book is an advocate for the change-making capacity of culture. It is also a source of inspiration for renegotiating our understanding of the world and affirming culture as a critical space to practice courage and perseverance amid complex societal reconfigurations. Our focus is on courageous citizens: those whose daring, sharing and inventing contribute to our collective future, and for whom culture and democracy are the starting points for vision and action.
12. Another Europe

Since our beginnings in the 1950s, the European Cultural Foundation has been pursuing the idea of a Europe that goes beyond historical, cultural and political borders and proposes new ways of doing things. The Europe the European Cultural Foundation imagines extends well beyond the EU, embracing the countries that touch our borders to the east and to the south. These guiding principles run through the pages of our new publication Another Europe, which brings together a treasure trove of insights and experiences from partners and participants working with us in the European Neighbourhood over the past 15 years.
13. i-Portunus Publication on slow mobility in culture

The European Cultural Foundation, MitOst and Kultura Nova Foundation implemented the "i-Portunus Houses – Kick-Start a Local Mobility Host Network for Artists & Cultural Professionals in All Creative Europe Countries" project which included research on mobility in culture carried out by experts from different disciplines. As a result of the aforementioned research, Kultura Nova Foundation issued the publication consisting of 4 interconnected volumes. Each volume of the publication represents one of the research sections: (1) conceptual framework of mobility in culture; (2) the study on mobility in culture from the perspectives of artists, cultural professionals, hosts and funders; (3) an evaluation of i-Portunus Houses mobility grant scheme and (4) scenario for the future of mobility in culture.