The GLUE by Operation City
1 Nov 2023
The GLUE is a project by Operation City and two partners that wants to link just transition with participatory democracy, through the lens of culture and spaces, in Southeast Europe. It addresses the need for a broader and multidisciplinary approach to find new ways for communities to adapt to just transition and the decarbonisation of industry, while leaving no communities behind.
The GLUE will establish a mini think-tank to gather experts from diverse fields and give them a free space do discuss and think on new ways communities in Sout East Europe can adapt and grow resilience to the challenges of climate change, social and economic shifts. The project will also jump-start a creation of a space for citizens from local communities to come together and share their perspectives and needs from just transition, with a pilot for this process being conducted in Zagreb. Culture and spaces, the glue of local communities, have a key part to play in this, and offer a unique perspective which will be tested and developed through this project and it’s continuation.
Granted 25,000 euros