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Boom Boom Tales – Keep it Reel. Media Activism as Resistance Back

Boom Boom Tales – Keep it Reel. Media Activism as Resistance

2 Dec 2024

The project will offer media-activism workshops and co-creation labs for young people between 18 and 25 in Turin and Marseille, which will also be available online. In collaboration with local artists, activists, and organisations, Boom Boom Tales will explore communication as a revolutionary force—from Gutenberg’s printing press 500 years ago to the current landscape of mass social media platforms owned by profit-driven multinationals. The project will focus on youth-led media production, co-creating blogs and print materials in French, Italian, and English. The project will directly engage 100 young participants in the co-creation process, while reaching a broader European audience both online and offline.

Granted: 18,500 euros

Website by HOAX Amsterdam