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The Europeans podcast – Why give a damn about the European elections?

29 May 2024

The Europeans, the award-winning independent media outlet that creates weekly podcasts about European politics and culture, will produce a two-part audio beginner’s guide to this year’s European Parliament elections, featuring their trademark emphasis on explaining the complex with a twist of humour.

The two in-depth episodes that would air shortly before and shortly after the elections will run to around 25 minutes each. Each episode would feature a European journalist in conversation with the co-hosts, likely one of the many excellent Brussels correspondents we have interviewed previously during the six years.

The two conversations would be brought to life with music, clips and sound design. With 30,000 downloads per month and an audience spread across the continent, they are well-placed to produce a guide to the elections that people will actually want to hear.

Granted: 10,000 Euros

Website by HOAX Amsterdam