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La Balena Zoppa – To bee or not to bee? Back

La Balena Zoppa – To bee or not to bee?

19 Apr 2024

“To Bee or Not to Bee? Let the Community Decideā€¦” is a collaborative project involving four artistic partners from Italy (Liguria and Bari), Lignac Centre Val de Loire in France, and Athens in Greece. The project focuses on creating a forum theatre and puppetry performance centered on bee protection and the importance of changing our behavior to safeguard not only bees but also our environments. The initiator is La Balena Zoppa.

The performance will present a problem to the audience and encourage them to brainstorm concrete actions on a small scale that can lead to meaningful change. The collective will collaborate with local partners such as Proloco Valbrevenna and Zenzero Aps in Italy, as well as Festival Tout Terrain (CDC MOVA) in France, to refine the project and eventually seek funding for future tours.

Granted; 25,000 euros

Website by HOAX Amsterdam