Common Ground: Robert Menasse on European democracy or barbarism
11 Sep 2024
Our annual magazine Common Ground offers readers a panoramic view of the issues we are addressing with our activities, those of our grantees, and those of partners and friends. Here we like highlighting the a contribution by the renowned author Robert Menasse.

“I’d like to invite you on a journey through time. What will the Europe of the future look like? Of course, we want a democratic Europe – but how should it be organised? It’s time to talk about European democracy – its evident deficits, its contradictions and the need to develop it further. You might ask why we are asking these ques- tions now? Europe is democratic – chances are that the country you live in is probably a democracy too. All the Member States of the European Union are democracies. So what should be changed?” Asks the author.
Click here to continue reading his contribution titled ‘European democracy or barbarism?’