Common Ground: An interview with grantee Dzherelo
11 Aug 2024
Our annual magazine Common Ground offers readers a panoramic view of the issues we are addressing with our activities, those of our grantees, and those of partners and friends. Here we like highlighting the work of our Culture of Solidarity Fund grantee Dzherelo.

Looking back at the last years, the war in Ukraine has resulted in a sense of solidarity towards Ukraine but also among the EU as a com- munity. With Ukraine now as a confirmed EU candidate country, a perspective and invitation of getting to know each other between Ukraine and EU countries emerges, a cultural dimension accompanying the wider process of reform and civil society strengthening.
The Culture of Solidarity Fund opened a dedicated call looking to promote the visibility and embeddedness of Ukrainian culture across Europe, in partnership with EUNIC (the network of EU National Institutes for Culture), with funding from the Government of Flanders and the European Cultural Foundation and additional contribu- tions from the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Czech Centres.
One of the grantees in this edition was the project Zatyshok/ Gezelligheid by the Ukrainian School Dzherelo in Amsterdam, Ukrainians in the Netherlands Foundation. Their Maryna Staryk, one of the administrators and curriculum designers in the school, told us about their project.
You can read the complete interview via this link.